
Short line flyfishing


Information, advice and resources on fishing short line methods.

Ox-eye daisy

Ox-eye daisy

The ox eye daisy has to be one of the most unmistakeable and spectacular flowers in the English countryside. It's also a very common plant; forming large drifts along lanes and roadsides. It seems almost too good to be true. Such a big and specular flower must surely...

Bladder campion

Bladder campion

The bladder campion is not nearly as common as the Red campion. I mostly come across it on shingle gravel banks, where it can be a stunning site with its profusion of showy white flowers.I

A Teviot Torpedo

A Teviot Torpedo

The Teviot is better known for its big grayling than trout, though there are certainly some bog trout as well. This one isn't the biggest I've caught, but it is perhaps in better condition that any trout I've ever caught. Not fat, but solid. When I picked it up you...

A special fish

A special fish

A big fish is always special. But a big fish from your home water is even more special. especially as my home water, the swale, is not renown for its big fish. This was mu personal best from the river at the time. Caught in May it took a dry big brown. However...

Blue trout

Blue trout

Calling our favourite fish the brown trout doesn't really do it justice when it is a blur of spots in orange red and yellow. But regardless of its name the variety fo colours of our trout is always a source of wonder. Where fish are wild they often develop unique...

Melancholoy Thistle

Melancholoy Thistle

This spectacular plant is one of teh highlights of the riverbank in the higher part of the dale's catchment. They are particularly abundant along the headwaters of the Yore and the Tees; where there are some extensive fields of the teh brilliant purple flowers. they...

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